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'Lancet raised eyebrows with political editorial on Modi'

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‘Lancet raised eyebrows with political editorial on Modi’

7 Jun 2021 5:57 PM GMT

New Delhi Strategic affairs author Brahma Chellaney has raised questions about medical journal Lancets ties with PLA linked scientists and a recent editorial where it attacked Prime Minister Narendra Modi for "presiding over a self-inflicted national catastrophe".

In a tweet, Chellaney said, "The Lancet's ties to PLA-linked scientists may explain why early on it published letter clearing Wuhan lab of blame. It was instrumental in discrediting hydroxychloroquine for Covid treatment by publishing a fake study, which it later retracted after destroying confidence in HCQ" "More recently, The Lancet raised more eyebrows by publishing a highly political editorial that attacked Modi, including for "attempting to stifle criticism." It warned of "a staggering one million deaths" by Aug. 1, with Modi "presiding over a self-inflicted national catastrophe", the tweet said.

"The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation estimates that India will see a staggering one million deaths from Covid-19 by Aug 1. If that outcome were to happen, Modi's Government would be responsible for presiding over a self-inflicted national catastrophe.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi Brahma Chellaney Lancet 
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